Very easy, quick first steps
Onboard in a flash with an expert and create your first card with Woi.Link Turning Paper into Power. Go Green with Magic
Go Green. Turn Paper into Power with!
Stop Printing Thousands of Wasteful Cards !
Stop Printing 1000's Paper Cards Ends up in the Bin
Sustainability at your fingertips. Save Trees, Save Nature 🌱
Sustainability Made Simple. Save Nature 🌱
Schedule your 1-to-1 call or chat within the first 7 days of signing up and a Woilink Digital Card Expert will guide you completely to get started and go advanced level to integrate advanced networking tools.
Onboard in a flash with an expert and create your first card with Woi.Link
We'll talk over the latest platform features and tools to network effectively
Our Expert will help you to review every elements in your card and optimise the way you need.
For questions about an active account management, please visit our Help Centre.
Mon-Sat, 09.00-18.00
Mon-Sat, 09.00-18.00
Experience product before purchase.